Marine Tracking Products
Geodesicx’s Marine Tracking System provides an affordable, adaptable, and expandable Command & Control system.
Geodesicx’s Marine Tracking System provides an affordable, adaptable, and expandable Command & Control system. The system consists of an operator’s work station, Furuno solid state radar, L-3 encrypted Automatic Identification System (AIS) transceiver, an Axis bi-spectral pan-tilt-zoom visual and thermal camera, and Davis Instruments weather station. Remote camera can be installed and connected to the operator’s workstation using microwave backhauls.
The MTS Command & Control Software integrates radar, cameras, and AIS, one –click tracking focuses the nearest camera(s) to the selected target and locks on for following. Warning Zones can easily be set up to alert watch standers to the presence of targets approaching security zones or hazards.
The system supports up to two radars allowing operators to surveil large areas with minimal blind spots. Using up to 12 high quality visual and thermal cameras, the MTS provides operators with unprecedented views both during the day and at night. The AIS receivers can be used to identify targets. Encrypted AIS systems are available as well. Using Radio over IP, watch standers can operate VHF radios from the operator’s work station.
The MTS is excellent for government response to natural disasters such as hurricanes and flooding, and incidents such as vessel groundings, or to add additional surveillance during National Special Security Events (NSSE). Security remains uncompromised as Geodesicx uses strong encryption and virtual private networks to protect the system.
The MTS increases awareness in the maritime domain near critical infrastructure, power plants, off-shore wind farms, oil platforms and passenger vessel facilities.