Foreign Military Sales
Foreign Military Sales (FMS) is the U.S. Government’s program for transferring defense articles, services, and training to our international partners and international organizations.
Customer Features
The FMS program is funded by administrative charges to foreign purchasers and is operated at no cost to taxpayers.
We provide Program/Project management professionals who can help organizations “keep an eye on the ball,” managing multiple areas simultaneously, including scope, time, cost, and quality. By applying proper management techniques to all project and product life-cycle phases (i.e., initiation, planning, requirements gathering, design, development, implementation, production, delivery, support, and closeout), we help ensure organizations succeed in their efforts. We can provide support for low-cost projects as well as programs with national impacts.
Customer Benefits
Programs and projects routinely involve multiple stakeholders with diverse objectives and dynamic requirements. The timely and effective use of proven and repeatable best practices for managing programs and projects help reduce risks and cost overruns, while increasing opportunities for success, by delivering the agreed-upon requirements from start to finish. This also ensures stakeholder satisfaction.
Geodesicx supports FMS projects around the globe.