Quality Assurance Commitment
At Geodesicx, we strive to satisfy our customers’ needs as they define them and achieve their expectations while delivering value.
Our Commitment
At Geodesicx, we strive to satisfy our customers’ needs as they define them and achieve their expectations while delivering value. This is accomplished by using ISO 9001:2015-certified and Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) processes to coordinate activities that direct and control the performance of our organization.
The Geodesicx Quality Management System and associated shipboard work procedures have been accepted by the Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) for use on Alteration Installation Team (AIT) Navy contracts.

The Geodesicx Team is committed to providing the highest quality products and services. A culture of quality is established by continuously seeking the highest levels of customer satisfaction. By performing planned and systematic actions, customers are afforded the confidence that our processes and product lines satisfy their requirements for quality.
What does this Quality Assurance Commitment mean to customers?
It means that whether Geodesicx is providing Engineering Systems, Products, or Solutions; Information Technology Solutions; or Diversified Professional Services, our approach is one of continuous process improvement. The ultimate goal is to perform the tasking right the first time—and on time and within budget.
Geodesicx recognizes that customer satisfaction directly impacts reputation and is a determining factor in the results and achievement of our Quality Assurance Commitment. The ultimate goal is to perform the tasking right the first time, on schedule, and on budget.
Your Value
When we combine the right people, products, and customers the result is an effective, efficient, and sustainable system that is installed on time and on-budget.