Positioning, Navigation & Timing
We specialize in products that interface the latest technology with your legacy shipboard systems.

WRN-6 Replacement Commercial GPS
The GX-100™ supplies an interface between a commercial or military GPS and the standard shipboard navigation equipment that uses the Naval Tactical Data System (NTDS) protocol. The GX-100™ was designed as a functional replacement for the obsolescent AN/WRN-7 GPS receiver. It can receive periodic fix data from up to two independent GPS receivers and provides the necessary lever-arm corrected fixes to downstream shipboard equipment. The GX-100™ can interface with current and future GPS receivers, eLoran receivers, and current and future navigation and weapon systems.

WRN-6 Replacement with Navigation LAN Capabilities
The GX-105™ is a tactical navigation gateway that interfaces a suite of navigation sensors with multiple tactical systems. As an expansion of the GX-100™, it offers the functional capabilities of the obsolescent AN/WRN-7 Satellite Signals Navigation Set plus additional interfaces that allow the distribution of navigation data over multiple independent Ethernet networks. The GX-105™ can be configured for internal or external commercial or Selective Availability Anti-Spoofing Module (SAASM) GPS receivers. Optional interfaces include ICD-GPS-153 GPS Standard Serial Interface Protocol (GSSIP), HAVE QUICK, and 1 PPS. GX-110™, WRN-6 replacement SAASM

WRN-6 Replacement SAASM
The GX-110™ was designed as a functional replacement for the obsolescent AN/WRN-6 Satellite Signals Navigation Set. It was developed from the GX-100™ baseline to include an internal Selective Availability Anti-Spoofing Module (SAASM) GPS receiver and an optional external SAASM or commercial marine GPS receiver. The GX-110™ features dual MIL-STD-1397 Naval Tactical Data System (NTDS) Type A or Type B interfaces. Optional interfaces include ICD-GPS-153 GPS Standard Serial Interface Protocol (GSSIP), HAVE QUICK, 1 PPS, and 10 PPS.